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Hideki Yasuda

Former Project
Optical Forces

Short CV
Mr. Hideki Yasuda was a visitor at the Optoelectronics Research Centre at University of Southampton. He received his Master's degree in Physics from Kyoto University (Japan). In 2008, he joined Fujifilm Corporation in Japan, where he has been involved in the research of nanophotonic devices.

Joint Conference Contributions

  1. (poster) Fishing for carbon nanotubes with a photonic metamaterial net
    H. Yasuda, J. Zhang, G. Adamo, K. F. MacDonald, and N. Zheludev
    Nanometa 2013, Seefeld, Austria, 3 - 6 Jan 2013
  2. Metamaterial 'gecko toe': optically-controlled adhesion to any surface
    J. Zhang, H. Yasuda, K. F. MacDonald, N. I. Zheludev
    CLEO:2012, San Jose, United States, 06 - 11 May 2012