Outreach Events
Pint of Science
13-15 May 2024
PhD student Venugopal Raskatla organized a 3-day Pint of Science event in Southampton's city centre, where Principal Research Fellow Eric Plum gave a lecture on metamaterials.
International Outreach: Students win State-level Awards in Germany
29 March 2023
Secondary school students Lisa Reichel and Athina Georgi from the St. Michael-Gymnasium secondary school in Bad Münstereifel, Germany, supervised by Southampton Principal Research Fellow Dr. Eric Plum win the 2nd award in geosciences/astronomy and the award for Energy Transition & Climate Protection at the state competition "Jugend forscht" (youth researches) in Bochum, Germany, after having already won the regional competition. More information is available on the school homepage.
School Students visit the Metamaterials & Nanophotonics Group
27 March 2023
Dr. Nikitas Papasimakis organized a visit from Trinity Academy Brixton to the Metamaterials & Nanophotonics Group involving a lecture as well as lab and cleanroom tours guided by Prof. Kevin MacDonald, Dr. Eric Plum and Dr. Nikitas Papasimakis.
Introducing Pupils to Metamaterials
07 February 2019
Research Lecturer Dr. N. Papasimakis gave a tutorial lecture to sixth form students at Harris Academy St. John’s Wood entitled: Metamaterials, negative refraction and invisibility cloaks.
Centre for Photonic Metamaterials hosts work experience student
13-24 August 2018
Calvin Hooper spent two weeks with us and discovered what research is really like by learning about various current research projects. He was later accepted by Cambridge University and felt that his stay with the Nanophotonics and Metamaterials research group substantially contributed to this success.
King Edward School visits the Centre for Photonic Metamaterials
01 February 2017
In a fourth annual visit, sixth-form students and their teachers learned about nanofabrication and metamaterials. Read the news here.
International Outreach: Students Win National Award in Germany
28 May 2016
Secondary school students Maximilian Oehmichen, Marvin Lohaus and Adrian Lenkeit, from the St. Michael-Gymnasium secondary school in Bad Münstereifel, Germany, supervised by Southampton Research Lecturer Dr. Eric Plum win the award of the German Aerospace Center (DLR) at the national competition "Jugend forscht" (youth researches) in Paderborn, Germany. Read the news here. More information is available on the school homepage.
(Image source: Jugend forscht) -
International Outreach: Students Win State Competition in Germany
16 March 2016
Secondary school students Marvin Lohaus, Max Oehmichen and Adrian Lenkeit, from the St. Michael-Gymnasium secondary school in Bad Münstereifel, Germany, supervised by Southampton Research Lecturer Dr. Eric Plum win the first prize in physics and the award for the most creative project at the prestigious state competition "Jugend forscht" (youth researches) hosted by Bayer AG in Leverkusen, Germany, placing them amongst the top 1% of participants. Read the news here.
(Image source: Bayer AG) -
STEM TEAtime - Workshop on Light
19 March 2015
A keynote lecture as part of the University of Southampton’s Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics research-based outreach event series for sixth-form and college students.
Metamaterials: A playground for light
J. Valente, N. I. Zheludev.Abstract: Light is everywhere in our world. We need it to see; it carries information from the world to our eyes and brains. Yet are you aware of how many of the new technologies around us use light for things other than vision? During this session we’ll consider how the internet works using laser light; how the path of light can be controlled using optical fibres; and how the University of Southampton is paving the way in high speed internet that is testing the laws of physics. This event is to celebrate the International Year of Light 2015.