Research Group Facilities
Our laboratories provide a diverse range of free-space and optical fibre-based materials and photonic device characterization tools, including: VIS-IR microspectrophotometry and ellipsometry, hyperspectral scanning electron microscopy, a micro-manipulated DC/RF cryogenic probe station and time-resolved pump-probe spectroscopic systems based upon supercontinuum, GHz-electro-optically modulated telecoms diode, tuneable fs OPO and ultrashort (<10 fs) pulse sources.
More details on our key equipment...
Zepler Institute Cleanroom Complex
The Zepler Institute Cleanroom Complex is a state-of-the-art facility for
nanofabrication and device characterization. Housed in the Mountbatten Building, the purpose-built cleanrooms provide a
flexible capability for a wide range of nanophotonic and micro/nanoelectronic technologies.