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One day international research workshop on

Super-toroidal Electrodynamics

Held 5 November 2004 at the School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Southampton. For details, see flyer (pdf).

The proceedings are now available online: pdf.

The aim of the workshop is to initiate an interdisciplinary discussion in the exciting emerging field of Super-toroidal Electrodynamics. The workshop will involve leading international experts currently active in the field. Invited presentations will be followed by a discussion of "What could be the crucial experiments in the field of super-toroidal electrodynamics?"

The invited talks at the workshop have been:

  1. "Electromagnetic toroidal sources and their applications" by Georgii Afanasiev, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia
  2. "Topological Invariants in Molecular networks, and their current-like observables" by Aurnout Ceulemans, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium
  3. "Toroidal moments and atomic emission in condensed media" by Eugene Tkalya, Nuclear Research Institute, Moscow state University, Russia
  4. "Toroidal moments in spin-ordered crystals" by Hans Schmid, University of Geneva, Switzerland
  5. "Toroidal electrodynamics and solid state physics" by Mikhail Martsenyuk, Perm State University, Russia
  6. "From the detection of the magnetic component of optical near-fields to nano-torus plasmons carrying a magnetic dipole moment at optical frequencies" by Alain Dereux, University of Bourgogne, France

For more information, please consult flyer (pdf) or proceedings (pdf).