Global Reach
CDPT & TPI, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
We work in close partnership with the Centre for Disruptive Photonic Technologies (CDPT) at Singapore’s Nanyang Technological University (NTU). CDPT is part of The Photonics Institute formed by NTU in partnership with Southampton’s Optoelectronics Research Centre, which aims to become the leading photonics research establishment in Asia. CDPT aspires to be a world-leading player in the next stage of the photonic revolution by harnessing the resources and interdisciplinary expertise available at NTU with collaborators around the world, to create cutting-edge research activity on disruptive photonic technologies.
Learn more about CDPT and TPI.
We are founding members of the METAMORPHOSE Virtual Institute for Artificial Electromagnetic Materials and Metamaterials, which was established in 2007 by the partners of the European Framework-6 Network of Excellence "METAMaterials ORganized for radio, millimetre wave, and PHOtonic Superlattice Engineering". The VI seeks to coordinate and monitor research in the field of artificial electromagnetic materials and metamaterials; to spread excellence by organizing scientific conferences and training programmes; and to promote the transfer of technology to industry.
Learn more about METAMORPHOSE.